Monday, November 5, 2007


It has taken me awhile to get our Halloween pictures up, but here they are. Sadie wanted to be a witch this year, Matt was Nacho Libre, and I was the Nunn that Nacho Libre liked in the movie. We had a fun time at the Marchbanks annual Halloween party. The kids got to go around to all the adults and trick-or-treat, they had a limbo going and we danced the night away. They also gave out prizes for the best costume and of course Matt won the grand prize. I also took some pictures of Sadie and Matt carving a pumpkin, Sadie wanted to have a scary faced pumpkin this year. Halloween was great this year, and we are looking forward for the rest of this Holiday season.
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1 comment:

The Wrights said...

Oh I just love your pictures. Sadie is so Beautiful! Matt your so ugly... That costume was really good. Angie you looked good as a nun, but im so glad your not! What a fun night we had!? We sure love and miss you guys!
Love You
Dallas and Lizzy