Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Cute

So the cutest thing....the other night I was putting Sadie to bed, we read a story, said her prayers and said goodnight, when she said, " mom you forgot something," I thought to myself what did I forget, then I remembered, she can't go to sleep without the cute bear that her dad gave to her for Valentines Day a couple of years ago. So I picked it up off her dresser and gave it to her. Her day of school, dance, playing, and the couple hundred cartwheels, and round-offs she did wore her right out, not even five minutes after I tucked her in, I went in to check on her and this is what I saw..She was totally zonked out, with the bear on her head, and her arms folded...luckily I had a camera close by and snuck a couple of pictures of it before it fell cute. This is one of the joys of being a Mother!