So the cutest thing....the other night I was putting Sadie to bed, we read a story, said her prayers and said goodnight, when she said, " mom you forgot something," I thought to myself what did I forget, then I remembered, she can't go to sleep without the cute bear that her dad gave to her for Valentines Day a couple of years ago. So I picked it up off her dresser and gave it to her. Her day of school, dance, playing, and the couple hundred cartwheels, and round-offs she did wore her right out, not even five minutes after I tucked her in, I went in to check on her and this is what I saw..She was totally zonked out, with the bear on her head, and her arms folded...luckily I had a camera close by and snuck a couple of pictures of it before it fell cute. This is one of the joys of being a Mother!
12 years ago
That is SO CUTE! Don't you love it when they fall asleep in the cutest ways! Sadie is such a sweet girl and such a great cousin! Can't wait for them to play tomorrow! Macie loves it when you guys come over and she talks about for days and sometimes even weeks after...sadeee...angeee??? Wondering where you guys are. She loves you. She even walks around saying...maaaat. Love it!
Ha ha haaaaa, So funny :) I thought it was SO cute when Sadie fell asleep in your arms when we were watching a movie at Rob & Nicole and in her sleep she said: "Mommy you are so pretty." Awwww cute :)
She looks like she has a funny!
I love the picture! These are the moments that make motherhood! We need to get together!!!
SO cute!! I love those little moments that we get to have as mothers.
LOVE IT! She will look back on this picture when she is older and thank you for taking it! so cute!
Angie, thanks for the comment on my blog. We have discussed doing clomid, but with the issues I have we have been told that doing anything other than in vitro is pretty much a waste of time and money. Also, it can actually make my problems worse, so we probably won't be doing anything else. I would love to talk more about this with you. I am impressed that you are planning to move forward with this again. Maybe it's because it is so fresh for me, but I cannot imagine putting myself through it again. Email me if you get a chance, or I will find you on facebook. Good luck with all of your plans. I know you are right that things will work out the way they are supposed to!
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