So I had a great mothers day this year. I actually had a sinus cold, but that didn't stop the fun. Aimee, my awesome sister, and my dad cooked lunch for my grandma, my mom, me and my sister Ashlee. It was so good and it even tasted better because I didn't have to cook it. Also, Matt and my Dad did the dishes....what studs. Then we went to Jenny and Nates to have dinner with the Marchbanks. It was really yummy. I definitely ate alot that day.
Sadie gave me a gift certificate for a pedicure, and to my surprise Matt got me a bike. I have been taking spin classes at the gym for a while now, and I love exercising on the bike it is so much easier for me to be on a bike than running, so I kind of have been hinting around for a one. I am really excited to use it up the canyon. Thanks babe!!!!
There is nothing better in this world to me than being a mom. I love it and cherish it always. I also have two amazing moms around who set such a good example for me. They are so loving, patient, caring moms, who will do anything for their families. I am sure blessed to be close to them. I love you and thanks for always being there for me.

awesome bike! i love it & i'm jealous! :)
I think you are the amazing mom and a wonderful wonderful daughter. Thanks for all your love and for all the support you give to me. I love you so much!
From Mom Bigo
That is so fun! What an awesome bike! We sure miss you guys! Love ya
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