Friday, October 24, 2008

Were going on a Witch hunt!

Every year we (my mom, sisters, and their kids) have a tradition to go to Gardner Village to see the Witches during the month of October. This year we went on a Witch hunt, the kids had a blast doing it!! My mom found it on their website, you had to go around the whole village looking for certain witches, and when you found them all your prize was a Chocolate chip cookie at the Bakery for .25 cents. Then we went and ate at Archibalds(the restaurant there) it was good, and then we topped the night off with a trip to Sweet Aftons(the candy store there.) We all got to pick out a treat, I got myself a Caramel Apple.....YUM, and Sadie went for the more traditional Fun Dip.
We always have a great time up there and look forward to it every Year.

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Monica said...

What a fun grandma...she's the best! I can just see all of them (especially the girls) runnin' around with their clipboards all into it!

The Best Family said...

I love traditions! You guys definitely know how to have a good time. Come see me next week or something. Love ya

preitygirl said...

That looks so fun! You are such a good mom! Sadie is so cute! She must take after her mom! Love ya!