Monday, February 9, 2009

Long time, no see

OK so I know that it has been a long long time since I have blogged, but I have a good reason....During the holidays it was just too crazy. So after all the hull-a-baloo, when I finally had a moment to sit down and blog, I went to turn on my computer and it didn't work, I couldn't get it past the login screen. So I tried to fix it, didn't work, Matt tried numerous times to fix it, didn't work...needless to say we went a whole month before Joe, my brother in law, was able to come over and fix it. He is a whiz at computers. Thank you Joe, I was going insane. In the process of fixing the computer somehow we lost some of our pictures from the holidays, so I won't be able to blog those fun pictures...oh well, I will just start with my newest pictures I have taken.

This past week Sadie was the STAR of her class. So Tuesday I made a poster of pictures of Sadie to tell her class about her and the fun things that she likes to do at home. It was fun and Sadie felt special. Then for Friday Sadie was able to choose a ROYAL READER, anyone she wants to read a book to her class, and she chose her dad. It was so cute, the class lined up on either side of the doors, and presented Matt with a ROYAL CROWN, and a ROYAL CAPE, then as he walked the ROYAL CARPET they sang him a welcome song. He then read them a book that Sadie picked out called "Bad dog Marley." Cute Book. The kids loved the book and Sadie loved showing off her Dad.

The kids thought that Matt was you blame them, look at that face!

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Terry said...

What a cute Royal Reader! I sure love you three!

Terry said...

What a cute Royal Reader! I sure love you three!

Heidi said...

I was so happy to see your latest post! It is good to hear everything, but the computer, was doing well!!! :)

preitygirl said...

Matt is such a good dad! I love the new background and loved that you posted again.. I really should take an example!

Anne said...

Matt's so great! (Of course you and Sadie are too!!) I'm glad your computer's back up. :D