Sorry, I haven't kept up on my blog very well lately. I have been so busy with Christmas parties and shopping. I have finally gotten all of the shopping done, now I just need to wrap everything, which will probably take me a couple of days. In spite of being so busy, I love, love, love the Christmas Holiday. I love the spirit that it brings into my crazy life. I love being with family, and I am so grateful that I am able to see all of them this Christmas season. I love the gospel, and am thankful to have it in my life, without it I would be lost. We LOVE you all, and hope that your HOLIDAYS are filled with SPARKLES and SPIRIT.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sadie is taking a hip-hop class at a studio in my neighborhood. I took this picture right before her first recital, she was so excited for it. I asked if she was nervous and she looked at me funny and said "no way". She get her "no nerves" from her dads side of the family. I was nervous enough for the both of us that night.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
This was the first heavy snowfall this year. Sadie couldn't handle being inside anymore so we dressed her up and let her play in the snow. She had a blast. The neighbors were out building an igloo, so she went over to help. She stayed out there for a good couple of hours. When she was done her and four of her friends came in to warm up with some hot chocolate. Ah to be a kid again!!!!
Bigo family photos
Here are some of the extra photos that we took that night. The sun was going down quick so some of them aren't very good lighting, but they are fun anyways. We had a lot of fun that night, trying to keep all of the kids still. They sure are cute.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Merry Christmas
Click on this link to watch the Marchbanks Elves dance
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sadie and I had so much fun decorating our gingerbread house. We do this every year at my moms, a day or two after Thanksgiving. My mom is so good to make all of the gingerbread by scratch, and make sure that we have all the candy that we need. My sisters Aimee, and Amber(and her kids) were there this year. Ashlee was in California for Thanksgiving, we sure missed her and her cute boys. Sadie had so much fun with her cousins. I love this tradition, Thanks Mom!!!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Today Sadie and I went to Kangaroo Zoo with some neighbors. Sadie loves that place, it is pretty relaxing for me too. We were there for over three hours. She ran nonstop the whole time and I have a feeling that she will sleep good tonight. It is fun to have something around here where she can run around to her hearts content when it is cold outside. Oh, to be a kid again!!!!
Monday, November 5, 2007

It has taken me awhile to get our Halloween pictures up, but here they are. Sadie wanted to be a witch this year, Matt was Nacho Libre, and I was the Nunn that Nacho Libre liked in the movie. We had a fun time at the Marchbanks annual Halloween party. The kids got to go around to all the adults and trick-or-treat, they had a limbo going and we danced the night away. They also gave out prizes for the best costume and of course Matt won the grand prize. I also took some pictures of Sadie and Matt carving a pumpkin, Sadie wanted to have a scary faced pumpkin this year. Halloween was great this year, and we are looking forward for the rest of this Holiday season.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
This is what me and Sadie woke up to on sunday. We could not believe all the snow. It snowed a little on saturday, but we were surprised to see this much in the morning. Matt went on the hunt this weekend, and I am sure they got dumped on. Good thing that Mark got a motorhome, so they could keep somewhat warm, and dry.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
This was a fun outing that we went on with some of our neighbors. We went to Yuba Lake. Five families came, so we had quite the crew. We had fun tubing, wakeboarding, hanging out at the beach eating good food, and playing around in the sand. Sadie was having so much fun on the tube, she went on a ride with her friend Emma. They were holding on so tight and a big wave came and knocked them off the tube. Needless to say they were freaked out, they both came out of the water with big eyes screaming help (thank heavens for life jackets.) I was on the other tube, so I jumped in to grab them. It took them a while until they wanted to get back on the tube, but they both did, and that time they had a blast. It was a fun lake, it reminded us Lake Powell a little(though the water wasn't as warm.) Here are some of our fun pictures.
P.S. can you belive Matt put a lizard on his tongue. NASTY!!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2007

This is Sadies first day of kindergarten. She sure looks excited to go, but infact the minute we walked into class the tears started to flow. Her teacher(Mrs. Jones) took it from there, she grabbed Sadie from me and told me to run. When I came to pick her up Mrs. Jones said that the tears only lasted about a minute, and then she was fine. The second day of school was a little better, but there still were some tears. Ever since then she has been fine and very excited about school. I thought that I would also put in a picture of her cute toenails, she wanted them to look pretty for the first day of school.